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Writer's pictureDaniel Wretham

Its Been a Good Week

Updated: Jun 14, 2023

Amazing Sunset
Sea of Gold, Turlin Moor, Dorset

Finally a Good Week

Well for once i've managed to get out quite a bit and get a few decent shots as the weather has played ball.

Most of the photographers out there will know the feeling of when all the elements are looking like they are coming together and its going to be a special sunrise/sunset so they grab the kit and rush out to their chosen location only too see the weather changing right before they get there and that sinking feeling of disappointment that comes with it.

I've been in this situation more times than I care to remember and people who don't do photography just don't get the frustration of the many, MANY failed trips, after all you just see the end results of the good ones.

Well this week has been kind and I have managed to get a few images on each trip which has been a rare pleasure.

Old Boat
The Old Warrior, Turlin Moor, Dorset

I started the week heading out to a lovely river spot with a fantastic mill that I was hoping for a good misty morning to capture it.

It meant a 4.30 am start on a work day which let me tell you is pretty hard to do several days running when your working full time, especially if it goes wrong !.

However everything was looking good, there was mist and no wind and the sky was looking good too, so I drove the 70 mile round trip to my chosen venue and got out of the car to see a beautiful misty scene in front of me, I just need to wait for the sun to come up and it would be perfect. With ten minutes to go the wind suddenly got up and took all the mist with it, I was less than happy.

Cloud started to move and it went clear, not what I had wanted but I decided to wait and take a gamble that the light would hit the mill and give me a nice warm shot still, fortunately it did and this was the outcome.

Sturminster Mill
Sturminster Mill, Dorset at Sunrise

Sturminster Mill

So that was Monday, Tuesday I decided that once again the weather was looking favourable so i went for a trip along the coast to Chapmans Pool, part of the Jurassic Coast in Dorset.

I have been trying to get a decent shot along the cliff top for a long time and it seems to be a bit of a nemesis for me but I keep going back cause i want it to happen.

The light was looking great with lots of high level cloud, which was hanging around right up until 20 minutes before sunset when it all moved, I was on the verge of leaving but again decided to wait it out and was rewarded with a nice break in the clouds and some good strong light pouring over the foreground.

This was the result

Chapmans Pool
Chapmans Pool, Dorset at Sunset

Chapmans Pool

On Wednesday the rain had set in and very little looked like it would happen, but I kept seeing a patch of light out of the window that looked like it just might do something.

I raced out for a last minute dash to Turlin Moor to see if i could get something out of it. The light started to break through and some great golden tones bathed the old boats in light.

I was still getting rained on at this point and trying to hold an umbrella over a camera while taking pictures is not an easy thing to do I can tell you, I must have looked a total state to the laughing locals who watched as I balanced everything together.

I decided that I had probably had the best of the light and was going to call it a day as it started fading but I waited just in case and was rewarded with a beautiful display of pink cloud lighting up the sky.

Like i said, it's been a good week, I hope you have one too.

Happy shooting, Daniel.

Dorset Sunset

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